Catalog: Success Language Tools


Why You Talk So White?

Conversations on Success

Leadership From the Trefoil

V-Twin Press

Success Community Info

Work-Life Skills Basics

Speaker Emergency
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Success Tools from Springboard Training

Knowledge, skills, and attitudes change with repetition.  While seminars, workshops, and speaking programs provide the educational sessions that introduce or review a topic, resources that allow you or your organization to hear and see the content over-and-over again are what provide a lasting impact.

The following educational tools from Springboard Training are available for purchase individually, in bulk order, or as packages included with programs presented to your organization or event.

Listed are the retail individual prices.
Please call (301) 260-1538 or
for bulk orders and program packages.

Fax/Mail Order

Use the
BUY ME” buttons to our online ordering process

  • Print this page.
  • Identify quantities of each item desired.
  • Write (print clearly) your name, mailing address,
       and telephone number(s).
  • Snail mail the relevant page(s) to:
    Springboard Training
    P.O. Box 588
    Olney, MD 20830-0588

    FAX the relevant page(s) to:
    (301) 260-1538

    Credit cards: Mastercard & Visa only!

  • Along the right side of the printed form,
       give us your credit card type, number,
       expiration date, and signature.
  • Snail mail - Mail the form in an envelope
       that blocks outside viewing of contents.
  • FAX - Our machine is in an enclosed, private
       office so your information will not be seen
       by prying eyes.

  • Print Media
    (Pocket Reference Books, Books, Articles)

    Why You Talk So White?: Eliminate the Behaviors that Sabotage Your Success
    (Call for volume discounts - 50+)

    Also: Why You Talk So White? web site!

    BUY ME


    Success Language: Card Deck. Complete deck of 26 reference cards for table-top or pocket reference.
    $ 9.99
    **E-mail for package pricing in quantity or with book.**


    BUY ME

    Power Learning Series: Real World Human Resource Strategies that Work
    (Turning Managers into Leaders)
    $ 15.00

    BUY ME

    Conversations on Success
    (Co-Authors: Sylvia Henderson, Deepak Chopra,  Mark Victor Hansen, and many others)
    $ 15.00

    BUY ME

    Tips for Busy People: Proven Techniques You Can Use to Be An Effective Communicator

    Hardcopy BUY ME
    $ 5.00

    eBook [DOWNLOAD]
    $ 2.50

    Stuff for Busy People: Proven Techniques You Can Use to Communicate, Cope, and Lead in Uncertain Times

    Hardcopy BUY ME
    $ 5.00

    eBook [DOWNLOAD]
    $ 2.50

    Tips for Busy People: Proven Techniques You Can Use to Give Powerful Presentations

    Hardcopy BUY ME
    $ 5.00

    eBook [DOWNLOAD]
    $ 2.50

    Stuff for Busy People: 52 Motivational Moments to Help You Succeed

    Hardcopy BUY ME
    $ 5.00

    eBook [DOWNLOAD]
    $ 2.50

    CD-ROMs and Tapes

    Success Language: Teleseminar01.
    62 minutes. Audio and data CD. Narrative-format seminar on communication, timeliness, work ethics, and attitude. Includes all materials.
    $ 19.99


    BUY ME

    Success Language: Teleseminar02.
    69 minutes. Audio and data CD. Interview-format seminar on communication, timeliness, work ethics, and attitude. Includes all materials.
    $ 19.99


    BUY ME

    Success Language: Motivational Moments. Audio CD. A collection of one-to-two-minute original motivating guiding words for your life, written and spoken by Sylvia Henderson.
    $ 15.00

    BUY ME

    Effective Communication: Critical Skills You Need to Succeed, in Less Than One Hour (CD: audio, handout, article, article for your newsletter)
    $ 15.00

    BUY ME

    Article Reprints and Other Stuff


    Presentation Skills: What I’ve Learned from Star Trek Captains (article reprint–4-page, full-color)
    $ 5.00
    BUY ME


    Small silver-color “balancefigurine (for your desk)
    $ 9.00
    BUY ME

    Free Downloads! My Gifts to You
    Right-click over active links to download PDF files.
    Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

    Self Esteem _ Positively Me!” affirmations


    (Same as above;
    Different font)

    Self Esteem _ Positively Me!” affirmations


    Enjoy Life


    Additional Tools and Products from Springboard Training

    Visit our (separate) online store for gifts, clothing, and other opportunities to share messages on self-esteem, positive attitudes, motivation, and professional speaking.

    Educational Tools Descriptions

    Why You Talk So White?: Eliminate the Behaviors that Sabotage Your Success
    Paperback (PB). 6” x 9”. ISBN #1-932197-00-1

    (Back cover text)

    This is a “success” book that is short on fluff and theory. Instead, it is full of pointed commentary with concrete advice. Sylvia Henderson offers guidance on how you can achieve your own personally defined success in life, based on her life experiences.

    Her words are sure to anger some of you. For most, however, the words between these covers are the direct “ah ha’s” and focus needed to stop stumbling and start moving towards the success that you seek in life.

    If you are serious about moving forward from where you now stand in your life; it you are tired of the success and self-help books that offer fluff and advice with little meaning to your real life, then you need to read - and heed - the words in Why You Talk So White? While seeming to focus on a singular demographic, this book is for anyone living a “life in the trenches” today - self-proclaimed “real people”. As you struggle for a missing “something” that is concrete enough to help you move forward with your life, look no further until you read this book.

    In Why You Talk So White? you’ll discover:

    • Why “talkin’ White” is what you need to do to succeed, and ways in which to do so.
    • The effects of negative messages and attitudes and how to use positive words to create good impressions.
    • Ways to be on time, foster teamwork, and adopt a strong work ethic.

    You’ll also receive tools to help you succeed and encourage you White.




    Power Learning Series: Real World Human Resource Strategies that Work
    (Turning Managers into Leaders)

    Paperback (PB). 6” x 9”.

    “I read your chapter and it was so wonderful. It was packed with valuable information; very thorough. I was really impressed. You covered a lot of areas with practical tips, advice, and examples with resources and recommendations...everyone in business should read this book!” - B. Pianezza, Editor -

    Imagine being in a round-table forum with twelve successful men and women, gleaning from them the human resource principles that propelled them in business. Real World Human Resource Strategies that Work allows you to do just that.

    In this book Sylvia tells you how to identify the people in your organization who are candidates for management and supervisory positions. You will learn how to turn those with formal management titles into respected leaders within and beyond their areas of responsibility.

    Sylvia Henderson co-authored this book with men and women from a variety of professions and life circumstances to offer time-tested, real-world HR strategies for improving your organization and helping you get to the top. These are not people who deal in conjecture, philosophies, or hypotheses. These dynamic leaders provide proven techniques to revolutionize your life.




    Conversations on Success
    (Featuring: Deepak Chopra, Sylvia Henderson, Mark Victor Hansen, and Mark Sanborn)
    Paperback (PB). 6” x 9”.

    Conversations on Success offers readers insight into the lives, lessons, and motivations of men and women who have a handle on what it takes to be successful in their personal and professional lives. The book captures the insights, strategies, and inspiration of success-minded people and features the transcribed interviews of professionals who offer their lessons on success in the ways they define the term. Pick and choose from all that is offered to determine the mix of strategies and guidance that’s right for you. It will be different for everyone who studies these conversations.




    Tips for Busy People: Proven Techniques You Can Use to Be An Effective Communicator
    Pocket Reference Book (PRB). 3.5" x 8.5". Fits in a #10 business envelope

    91 tips on how to communicate effectively.

    Includes the following topics: The Words You Say - Speech Patterns - Your Voice as a Tool - Empathize, Clarify, & Understand - Active Listening - Body Language - Small Talk - Giving and Receiving Feedback - Conflict - Meetings - Written Communication (E-Mail) - Resources for Further Study.

    Use as a stand-alone reference tool or in conjunction with workshops.




    Stuff for Busy People: Proven Techniques You Can Use to Communicate, Cope, and Lead in Uncertain Times
    Pocket Reference Book (PRB). 3.5" x 8.5". Fits in a #10 business envelope.

    66 tips on how to communicate effectively with employees, peers, and family in times of uncertainty and upheaval.

    Includes the following topics: The Most Important Tool...You! - Communicating With Employees - Reporting Unpleasant News - At the Water Cooler...Talking With Colleagues - Relationships Count - Authority Figures - Stress Management; Inner Peace - Emergency Preparedness - Disappointment and Grief - When the Media Calls - Resources for Further Study.

    Use as a stand-alone reference tool or in conjunction with workshops.




    Tips for Busy People: Proven Techniques You Can Use to Give Powerful Presentations
    Pocket Reference Book (PRB). 3.5" x 8.5". Fits in a #10 business envelope.

    96 tips on how to prepare and present powerful business presentations.

    Includes the following topics: The Words You Say - Your Voice As A Tool - Make It Interesting - Plan for Success - Logistics - Body Language - Presentation Visuals - Electronic Equipment - Difficult Situations - Delivery Techniques - General Presentation Tips - Resources for Further Study.

    Use as a stand-alone reference tool or in conjunction with workshops.




    Stuff for Busy People: 52 Motivational Moments to Help You Succeed
    Pocket Reference Book (PRB). 3.5" x 8.5". Fits in a #10 business envelope.

    A little off-beat; a lot serious.
    60 quotations - wise words - you can use immediately to motivate yourself and others to succeed.

    Sources of inspiration and motivation include: Positive Mental Attitude - Tao According to Pooh - Flight of a Seagull - Edith Ann's Words of Wisdom - Captain's Notes - Think Big - Sound Words from [Dr.] Seuss - Wisdom Plucked from the Farm - Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - General Colin Powell's Words to Live By - Sources for Further Study.

    Use as a personal source of power and regeneration or share with others.




    Effective Communication: Critical Skills You Need to Succeed, in Less Than One Hour
    CDROM (Computer). Computer-based CD. Takes less than one hour to complete.

    Included on the CD:

    • Audio program (via computer).
    • Accompanying handout (for note taking) - print one copy per participant.
    • An article on the related topic.
    • Bonus! An article you can use in your own newsletter.

    A continuing education resource from Springboard Training. Sylvia Henderson, CEO of Springboard Training, tells you how you can be a more-effective communicator as a result of her 20+ years as a corporate trainer, manager and communicator. The interview format makes the message more interesting and relevant for you than a "straight lecture".

    In this program you will learn about the benefits of and specific ways to communicate more effectively in your personal and professional lives.

    Program objectives include:

    • Identify verbal and non-verbal factors for communicating effectively.
    • Recognize how to communicate in a variety of contexts and situations.
    • Receive resources that facilitate your continued study of interpersonal and written communication skills.

    This is a good small-group educational tool.




    Success Language: Motivational Moments.
    CDROM (Audio). Works in your car or boombox CD player as well as your computer CD drive.

    A collection of one-to-two-minute original motivational guiding words for your life, written and spoken by Sylvia Henderson. One-a-day motivation, or repeat throughout the year.

    Includes the following program titles/tracks:

    • 01-Get Up and Go
    • 02-Both Hands on the Wheel (It Takes Two)
    • 03-Road Less Traveled (Most Opportunity)
    • 04-Remote Control (Choices)
    • 05-Don’t Know Where You’re Going (Probably End Up Someplace Else)
    • 06-Lesson In Relaxation
    • 07-Double Yellow Line Day (Don’t Cross Over)
    • 08-Focus
    • 09-Don’t Sweat Small Stuff
    • 10-What’s in Your Glove Compartment (Baggage)
    • 11-Have You Hugged Today?
    • 12-Needing You; Wanting You
    • 13-Just Ask
    • 14-It’s All About Me (You)
    • 15-Prioritize
    • 16-Look Forward (To Mondays)
    • 17-Messages (Good Intentions)
    • 18-Procrastination
    • 19-Sing At the Top of Your Lungs!
    • 20-Spending Time
    • 21-Stretch Yourself, and Reach
    • 22-Assumptions
    • 23-Thank You
    • 24-The Beauty Without
    • 25-Time (It’s the Same All the Time)
    • 26-Tune In to Their Station (Communicate)
    • 27-Unconditional Love
    • 28-Waiting for “When” (Make it “Now”)
    • 29-Time Alone




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    Springboard Training - P.O. Box 588 - Olney, MD 20830-0588